


Programmer's Poem

Sorry to post something unoriginal… But while writing some code at work, I was reminded of this poem that I first read probably 6 or 7 years ago that has always been really funny to me. I wanted to post it here so I wouldn’t forget it again.

programmer’s poem

Authors: Fred Bremmer and Steve Kroese


waka waka bang splat tick tick hash
carat at back-tick dollar dollar dash
splat bang tick dollar underscore
percent splat waka waka number four
ampersand right-paren dot dot slash
curly bracket tilde pipe splat splat crash

Found via google at: [ wu :: 1447(poetry) ]

Note that I’ve found several versions of this poem online. This one seems to flow the best when read aloud. I can not guarantee the authenticity of the authors or whether this is the original version of the poem.

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